Finance and banking law:
Cláusulas suelo – so called “floor clause”, preffered shares, subordinated debentures, swaps, etc.

Business promotion:
Management and advice of professional associations, defence of clients’ interest before public administrations.

Intellectual Property:
Intellectual Property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.

Unfair trade practice
An unfair trade practice means a trade practice, which, for the purpose of promoting any sale, use or supply of any goods or services, adopts unfair method, or unfair or deceptive practice.
Considered a form of price discrimination, dumping occurs when a manufacturer lowers the price of a good entering a foreign market than it charges domestic customers.

False advertising
False information about competitors, false comparisons, etc. confusion as for example the similarity of brands with the purpose of confusing buyers and making a profit out of it, etc.

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